Buitenbeen, elders leven en werken

vrijdag, oktober 06, 2006

De sportclub

- Do you have a Chinese name?
- No? It's needed for our computer. We'll make it Tommy Van. Ok?
- And if you come, you can park your car for free for three hours in the parking downstairs?
- No car? Your friends, they can come too, for free.
- No friends? Really? Well, if you make friends, bring them.
- Best thing is to become member and then you can come as many times as you want. It's for six months. You'll get a VIP pass.
- Oh, you only stay two months. Well, you can come every week at least three times, no?
- Ah, you are not in Taipei during the week. Well, come on Friday night, we are open all night on Friday. And you can come on Saturday and Sunday, open from 6 am until midnight.
- Ok, maybe an entree card for 10 times?
- And if you come in and you feel a pain, just contact our trainer.
- You can watch television during cycling. We have CNN.
- Do you want to sign a contract now?


  • Hopelijk nemen ze die Van niet te letterlijk in het engels. Pas dus op dat wanneer men je vraagt om een of ander transport te organizeren.

    By Anonymous Anoniem, at 9:17 a.m.  

  • Zo'n aanbod kan je toch niet afslaan! Bovendien moet je goed zorgen voor je conditie zodat je er vanaf december op maandag- en vrijdagavond weer flink tegenaan kan gaan.


    By Anonymous Anoniem, at 1:39 p.m.  

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